
Showing posts from December, 2009

Enduring Love

I woke up early yesterday morning and I began to think about how wonderful it was to have all my children and most of my grandchildren here on Christmas Day. How God had truly blessed me as a mother and that when I looked at my children I knew that there is practically nothing I would not do for them. I have this forever love for them. I tell them often that there is not anything they could do to ever make me stop loving them. I know my love for them is deep and genuine. This enduring love will remain until the end, simple because they are my children. Don't get me wrong, there has been times that one or more of them have done something to make me want to hide. But, I would never leave them or forsake them, my love for them is everlasting love. So I asked myself, if I can have this kind of love as a human being how much deeper and wider is God's love for me? I know that I must learn to show His love by loving others in a deeper way. Not always wanting my way or the highway.

Making Wise Decisions

"Wisdom begins with respect for the Lord, and understanding begins with knowing the Holy One." Proverbs 9:10 NCV Satan is a thief and he intentionally and purposely tries to destroy your life. Jesus said Satan's mission is to steal our joy, terminate our lives, and degrade our relationship with God. To choose God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. It is only wise to get knowledge about your decisions. Satan wants to keep you in fear so you cannot get knowledge and make a decision. We cannot start making decisions based on fear and anxiety. We cannot allow circumstances to constrain us. Jesus tells us to be anxious for nothing. In the Devotion Book "at His feet" the author states, "if we let circumstances constrain us, Satan will manipulate them idefinitely, stringing us along our whole lives in uncertain, fear-induced steps. Someone once said, "Wisdom is finding the right path; Integrity is choosing it. Find the path that God has especially for