
Showing posts from September, 2014

Your answer is on the way !

It has been a while since I blogged largely because of family medical and time consuming events in my life this year. Years ago I made the following prayer a part of my personal prayer time. " Our God, our Father, tend us, feed us, sustain us, maintain us, and comfort us. Grant  us speedy relief, Lord our God, from all our troubles. And please, Lord our God, let us not need other people's gifts or loans, but only Thy filled and open hand, holy and bountiful. So that we may not ever be shamed or humiliated. Amen." This prayer has brought my soul comfort many times. And I, like others, have faced difficult and even impossible situations.  Yet I find peace and rest in Him and I keep on going. You may be bearing a heavy load of disappointments, financial burdens, overwhelming situations, or the death of a loved one or the final end to a long relationship. However, God is able to help us, keep us from sin, temptation, shame or disgrace. If we would not let the impulse