
Showing posts from April, 2019

Grace Is Built To Last Forever

My husband and I are both Computer Scientists by profession. We both have our M.B.A.s and M.S. in Computer Science degrees. I have been bi-vocational for over 40 years, working both in ministry and in the field of Science and Technology, where I was a Leader on  numerous research and development projects.  There is a book that came from our leadership training and M.B.A. courses, called  "Built to Last". The book is about 18 great companies that had CEOs who were Visionaries and built a company that would last. I have worked for 3 of those major companies (IBM, Motorola and GE) on the list.  Almost half of the visionary companies on the list have slipped dramatically in performance and reputation, and have faced serious questions about their leadership and strategy.  No man on earth can build anything that will last forever! No matter how intelligent and wise they may be. We cannot put our trust in people or companies. The only thing that is built to last f