
Showing posts from February, 2010

Winning the Battle of Love- Staying Calm Through the Storm

As a former Motorola Director, I have flown to a lot of places throughout Asia. It can take up 18 to 20 hours on the plane in the air to get there depending on where I was going. I have experienced a lot of turbulence in the air as we cross the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean. A long time ago when you flew on the airplane, the airline pilots would just fly through the storm because they did not always know it was ahead. Yet they would remain calm. I never understood how they were able to remain completely calm while the plane was rocking. Today technologies now allow them to see the storms ahead and then enable them to go around most of the storm by resetting their path. There is still some turbulence but the bad stuff for the most part is avoided. I asked myself how is it that the flight crew could remain calm through the storms? I realized it was because they are focus on our final destination not what is happening right now. They now it is most likely that things will end well. Its ver

Winning The Battle of Love

Today is Valentine's Day and I have been shown enormous amount of love and appreciation by my husband, Earnie. I received flowers and candy. He made a nice breakfast, as well. However, the greatest gift he gives me every single year is his love for and faith in Jesus Christ. This is a gift that no amount of good deeds or money could buy. He first had to fall in love with Christ, before he could fall in love with me. When Christ is your first love it governs your behavior and creates your character. No amount of good deeds, hardwork, or "never giving up" in your marriage can make up for giving attention to your first love - Jesus Christ. Your love for Christ must be a deep and faithful love, an everlasting love; and it requires your full devotion to HIm. Eternal love is what God gave us. A love that is not govern by our behavior, but by His strength and desire to be in a relationship with us. Many people say, if God loves me why does bad things happen? In fact, God

Winning the Battle over Struggles - How to live and have a Blessed Life

We are not blessed by our goodness. We are blessed by our obedience. Obedience is the key to us living an abundant life. Why is it imperative that you learn the Holy Scriptures that God has left us? Because, living in full relationship with God allows us to receive from Him. Also you can stop your blessings from flowing down from God. The tool we have to give us the victory over Satan is : the Word of God . You must be taught the Word of God so you can know how to use your weapon and obey the laws of God. The Hebrew word for law is Torah, meaning "to teach" denoting a pathway to learning, and having a righteous relationship with God, Our Father. And, therefore, we should follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus who obeyed God's law. However, there is no list of behaviors we can overcome or possess to make ourselves acceptable to God. Paul said, " We are not under the law but under grace, and then he asked the crucial question. Is sin permissable since we are not