
Showing posts from November, 2011

You can have a better life!

You can have a better life by changing your heart and your environment. Psalm 36:1 states "Sin lurks deep in the hearts of the wicked, forever urging them on to evil deeds. They have no fear of God to hold them back.  Instead, in their conceit they think they can hid their evil deeds and not get caught."  When you are surrounded by evil women and men you may find yourself caught up in their evil acts. However, if you will make up your mind today to turn back from them and go with God, your life will change for the better.  Someone once said, "Evil prevails when good men do nothing."  We saw this in the news this week over and over again.  Don't sit idle by and watch evil happen.  Remove yourself from them.  Remove yourself from negative people who brings death and destruction to your soul.  Some of you may need to get rid of  a friend or two!  Especially, if they tear you down and crush your spirit over and over again.  Evil people lie awake at night to hat

Miracles are waiting for you!

Luke 1:35, " The angel replied, "The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of God shall over shadow you; so the baby born to you will be utterly holy - the Son of God. " The mother of Jesus, Mary experienced a miracle that day through the power of God. I know that life can be overwhelming and it is just sometimes downright hard. People disappoint us and break our hearts. You may have those around you that mean you more harm than good and you don't know where to turn.  In these economical down turns there are a lot of people with great needs.  Someone once said, " What goes up must come down." And that is true in physics, but when it comes to our lives, God's does extraordinary things that goes become the matter of physics. He said the last shall be first; and you may be down, but Jesus can bring you up. You may be experiencing an economical downturn, but things will change and there will be an economical up swing. Trouble really does n