
Showing posts from January, 2018

Running on Grace

Before I bowed my knees to Jesus, I was in this world without hope and without God.  I was far off from the truth and I was far from God and had no peace. Searching for love in all the wrong places. Desiring to be desired.  It was the revelation of His love that changed my life for the good of me and my family.  The god of this world, the prince of the air, Satan had a veil over my eyes. I was blind and in darkness. The Spirit of Truth revealed the love of God and grace delivered me from darkness into His marvelous light. It is difficult to see in the dark. The only thing that can expel the darkness is the light. Whenever someone turns to ADONAI  (the LORD), the veil is taken away. When the veil was removed  I could see that I was in disobedience to God's law and deep in sin. I needed a Redeemer.  It was by his grace I was delivered out of the hands of Satan.  God picked me out before I was born and chose to reveal Christ Jesus (Messiah Yesuha) His only begotten Son to me.  Ever