God Doesn't Err and Trouble Doesn't Last Always

Your life has many winding roads and complicated stops.  Jesus said, "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world (John 16:33)."

When you read the verse, your thought might be, "If Jesus has overcome the world, why does my world feels so broken?" In the circle of life we have beginnings, endings, and everything in between. The ebbs and flows of life bring waters of both joy and pain. But, with God's guiding hands, it flows in a way that moves us upstream to a place of peace, blessings, rest and trust. You may walk through the great darkness ravine, but you will get through it, because God's got you!  We are overcomers in mind, spirit and soul. Whatever you are going through, it too shall pass.  Life may not be fair, but God is fair. 

Psalm 56, the psalmist declares to God, “You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your record?” He has written your plan, and counted your tears. He knows you. He created you, and no devil in hell can stop the plans God has for you.  

When things are not going well, and your days are uncertain, you got this because you stand on the solid Rock not sinking sand. That Rock is Jesus.  A strong mind produces a strong life! So ease your mind and have peace in your heart; because my dear, you got this. God does care and He doesn't err. 

Prayer: Dear Lord, Keep me from harm and let me know whatever may come my way, You will bring me through it. May this prayer be found at a favorable time. May I have favor with You and every in my sight.  In Jesus' Name, I pray and ask. Amen.

Pastor Patricia 


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