Hannah's Problem - A Kingdom Woman Prayers Conquers All

Hannah’s Problem: Hannah was married to Elkanah, a direct descendant of Levi (1 Chronicles 6:33-38). One indication of how lawless were the times in which Samuel was born is his father’s bigamous marriages. In those days (though it was never sanctioned by God), a man whose wife was infertile would take a second wife by whom he could bear children. Elkanah had two wives, Penninah, his second wife had many children for Elkanah, but Hannah, the beloved, his first wife was barren. Often Penninah belittled and taunted her, plus the Israelites considered a barren woman to be cursed by God.  

However, Hannah’s barrenness did not diminish Elkanah’s love for her. Just as our sins do not diminish the love God, Abba has for us. One day Elkanah gave Hannah a double portion of the sacrificial blessing, because he loved her. Penninah, her rival taunted her and made her feel bad, because ADONAI had kept her from having children. She taunted her so much that she would cry and not eat. This taunting drove Hannah to be closer to God and pray intensely. 

She prayed in the temple silently standing as is the custom of the Jews, but she was moving her lips. So intense was her prayer that Eli, the high priest thought she was intoxicated. When the priest learned about her true plight, he assured her that God would answer her prayer. Shortly after Hannah’s return to Ramah, she conceived and bore a son whom she named Samuel. Samuel means “Heard of God”. 

A kingdom woman prayers fervently before the Lord, and she expects God to hear her. She possesses faith that is deep in her soul and is so intense only the Lord can hear it.  Have you ever prayed so intensely that there were not any words to express out loud, only your soul and spirit could speak? 

Secondly, a kingdom woman does not repay evil for evil. She allows God to handle that person. Penninah was evil to Hannah but she did not allow Penninah to destroy her.  Hannah did not turn away from God or become bitter because she was barren or because of Penninah’s verbal and emotional attacks on her life. A kingdom woman never leaves her LORD, our God. It doesn’t matter how barren her situation may be she stays connected to God, praying until her change comes. 

After Samuel was born. Hannah prayed and exalted the LORD. In verse one she makes reference to Deut... 33:17, also Psalms and Proverbs.  Hannah, with clear reference to her rival - 1 Samuel 2:1, spoke of her joy in the LORD who had helped her achieve satisfaction at last. Horns, used by animals for defense and attack, symbolized strength. Thus Hannah spoke of her horn in describing the strength that had come to her because God had answered her prayer.

A Kingdom woman prays the Word of God to communicate fervently and intensely to the LORD.  When she prays using His Word, she dismantles Satan’s power over the situation. 

The battle is won in the heavenliness by our words. When we speak the Word of God it gives the LORD’s angels ammunition to defeat Satan and his demons. Hannah eventually had five more children! She prayed intensely, she strengthen herself and she bore faith before she bore Samuel, the great prophet of Israel! Then she praised the LORD by singing His written Word. 

Hannah left a legacy for all of Israel and us. We are kingdom women let us leave a legacy that impacts the kingdom of God for many generations. 

Prayer for us: Thank You Lord that you have heard our prayers, you have seen our tears, you will heal every broken and barren situation in our lives. Thank You Lord that you will anoint us with the Holy Spirit and with Power, and we will go about doing good, in spite of the evilness of others. Thank You Lord for bringing us out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and for setting our feet upon a rock, making our footsteps firm. Thank You Lord that you will deliver our loved ones from the hands of the wicked, and You will redeem them from the grasp of the violent. They will obey your voice, and you will be their God. Thank You Lord for the victory, and for putting a new song in our mouths, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and will trust in the Lord. In all the things, we pray and ask in Jesus’ precious and Holy Name. Amen! 

With much love and blessings,
Pastor Patricia 


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