Winning The Battle of Life - Wisdom and Discretion

There are 192 Scriptures on Wisdom in the Holy Bible and many examples, from Solomon who was considered the wisest man who ever lived to Queen Esther who was considered to be a woman with wisdom and discretion. She was wise in the way she laid out her plan to approach her husband with the news that her Jewish race was at risk of being annihilated. She fasted and prayed for 3 days before going before Him, and she was successful and prevented her entire nation from being destroyed!

Proverbs 2:12 (NLT) states that , "Wisdom will save you from evil people, from those whose speech is corrupt."

Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do! And whatever else you do, get good judgment.

How do you get wisdom?

First you ask God for it. He promises not to withhold wisdom from anyone who wants it.
You will find that understanding is tied to wisdom. So next, seek to understand before making major decisions or judgments or talking about something. Esther sought to understand the circumstances in every situation she was faced with. She sought understanding and then got knowledge about the situation before she offered a solution. Get knowledge about the situation and then you can decide what is best. Don't make a decision this week without getting all the facts.
In as you are dealing with people remember there are three types of people in the world, wise, foolish and evil. Avoid the foolish and evil people (male or female), because the foolish person will eventually bring nothing to your life but foolishness and silliness. A foolish man lacks knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 24:7 (NLT)
"Wisdom is too much for a fool. When the leaders gather, the fool has nothing to say."
It makes no sense to talk to foolish people.

The evil men will soon seek to destroy you. Run from evil people. For the purpose of evil is to kill, steal and destroy.

In Christ we find the wonderful wisdom of God, therefore we are to live our lives according to Christ’s commandments. For whosoever finds Christ find life, and shall obtain favour and wisdom of the LORD.

Secondly is discretion. Proverbs 11: 22 “A woman who is beautiful but lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig's snout. “
The writer is making the contrast of opposite here; it is distasteful and offensive, unbecoming, totally ridiculous for a woman to be beautiful and lack discretion. A physically beautiful woman who lacks good taste, disgraceful in her speech and actions, lacks piety and a well-ordered mind, and who is silly, empty and vulgar is just like a pig! She is mindless, heartless, shameless and senseless.

A few weeks ago my daughter, Nikki and I attended a Women's Conference in Washington, D.C. where I was the main speaker. However, during my return flight home to Boston, the plane was just a few miles before our landing when we experienced severe weather. There was also another plane that was trying to land into Boston but had lost communications with the air traffic controller. Because of the situation at hand, the air traffic controller diverged our plane to Portland, Maine to land safely and get fuel. This meant we had no idea when we would actually get home. After the plane landed in Portland I looked directly behind me and saw there were 2 beautiful young ladies who probably were in their twenties. For some reason, I could not find my phone and so I was waiting to position myself until I could get to the phone. I overheard these young ladies talking loudly on their phones. Unfortunately, these beautiful women's mouths were so vulgar and filled with disdain for the pilot and shouting loudly to whomever would listen that it literally made me ill to listen to them. I wanted to just get up and moved as far away as possible.

At that moment I truly related to the words in the Scriptures that said, "Beautiful women who lack discretion is indeed like a pig with a beautiful gold ring in his snout" It is unnatural and vulgar!

Song of Solomon’s warning that, “it is the little foxes that spoil the vines” is played out every time I see women who mouths are more filthy then the gutter that the sewer runs through. Christian or not, you are not beautiful when you have a filthy mouth. It takes away from your beauty entirely and leaves a bad smell in everyone's life.
• Proverbs 16:22 NLT "Discretion is a life-giving fountain to those who possess it, but discipline is wasted on fools." So please don't be a foolish woman who lacks discretion.

I hope this week you will remember to be a wise woman who is discrete and has self-control. I know I will, because after that plane trip I hope to encourage as many women in my circle to be positive, loving, full of wisdom, seek to understand, get knowledge and be discrete!

Pastor Patricia


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